Campaign finance rules for thee, but not for me

Mike Chen
2 min readJan 23, 2020


On Wednesday, January 22, 2020, I gave public comment at the San Francisco Democratic County Central Committee (DCCC) to protest high-dollar individual contributions that some candidates in this race have received in violation of the DCCC bylaws. Below is an edited transcript.

My name is Mike Chen. I am a first-time candidate for the DCCC and I am here to protest contributions that some DCCC candidates are taking in excess of the contribution limit in this committee’s bylaws.

There seems to be two sets of rules. The first set is in the bylaws. They clearly state that the individual contribution limit is $500.

But it appears that there is another set of rules. At least 3 current or former supervisors have taken $1000 or more in individual contributions for their DCCC race. Current and former supervisors already are frontrunners in the DCCC race due to their name recognition and their connections as government officials. Taking money in excess of the $500 limit gives elected officials yet another advantage over first-time candidates. It gives the perception that if you are an elected official, the rules don’t apply to you.

And it gets worse. There are at least two sitting members of this committee, who voted in 2016 to adopt the $500 contribution limit, who are running for another DCCC term now, and who in the last month have taken individual contributions of $1000 or more. For these candidates to vote for the contribution limit, and then turn around and accept contributions in excess of that limit, looks cynical and hypocritical. It harms the public’s trust in the Democratic Party, especially when it comes to campaign finance reform.

I am asking this committee and the San Francisco Democratic Party for clarity. Are the party bylaws toothless and meaningless, serving to confuse and mislead first-time candidates like me? If so, I request that the party make a statement saying so, repeal the bylaws, and level the playing field for everyone. If the bylaws are supposed to mean something, I ask that this committee take action and sanction candidates who have violated the rules.

If you believe that all candidates should play by the same rules, please donate to my campaign to make a fairer Democratic Party, read about why I’m running, and check out my website.



Mike Chen
Mike Chen

Written by Mike Chen

I write about San Francisco housing, transportation, politics.

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